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Target Treatster

Launched: October 28, 2015

As a creative technologist at 360i, I had the opportunity to work on this project through the 360i Innovation Lab, in collaboration with our talented creative team. I wish I had this tool when I was a kid—it would have saved a lot of time and increased my sugary bounty. Treatster is designed for kids to identify the best Trick-or-Treat houses in real-time on Halloween night. While it may seem like a fun and helpful tool for the kids, there's more to the story.

The Mechanics Behind Treatster

Treatster leverages GPS data, maps, and a user-friendly interface to capture and share information. Kids go through the traditional Trick-or-Treat routine—knocking on doors, receiving candy, and then using their mobile devices to rate the experience. Positive ratings are shared, letting other kids know which houses offer the best treats, and helping them avoid homes that give out less desirable items like apples.

The Real Target Audience

At first glance, Treatster seems to be all about helping kids with their Halloween plans. But how many of these young trick-or-treaters actually have cell phones? Not many. Most likely, their parents are the ones carrying the devices and supervising the activity. This leads to an interesting twist: Treatster isn't just for the kids—it's also for the parents.

Stirring Up Parental Competition

The real genius of Treatster lies in its ability to create a sense of competition among parents. Knowing that the quality of their Halloween treats will be publicly rated and displayed can drive parents to step up their game. No one wants their house to be marked with a tiny pumpkin, signaling their stinginess to the entire neighborhood.

The Pressure Is On

The visibility that Treatster brings can make parents feel the pressure to provide better candy. After all, who wants their home to be the Halloween equivalent of being toilet-papered on social media? The solution is simple: buy more and better candy to ensure a positive rating and avoid public scrutiny.

My Personal Experience

As someone who worked on this project, I even registered my own home on Treatster. I admit, I'm a bit nervous about how my candy offerings will be judged. But it’s all in good fun, and it's exciting to see how technology can transform even something as traditional as Trick-or-Treating into a modern, interactive experience.


Treatster showcases the innovative spirit of 360i, blending creativity and technology to create engaging and competitive experiences. It's a perfect example of how we at 360i, in partnership with our clients like Target, push the boundaries to deliver unique and impactful projects.