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Oreo Daily Twist

Launched: June 25, 2012

As a creative technologist at 360i, I had the pleasure of working on one of our most iconic and innovative campaigns: the Oreo Daily Twist. This project combined creativity, technology, and real-time marketing to celebrate Oreo's 100th birthday in a way that resonated with fans around the world.

The Concept

The Oreo Daily Twist was a unique campaign designed to create and share a new Oreo-themed image every day for 100 days, each inspired by current events, pop culture, and trending topics. The goal was to highlight the versatility and timeless appeal of Oreo cookies while engaging our audience in a fun and interactive way.

How It Worked

Every day, our team brainstormed and developed a fresh, creative twist on the classic Oreo cookie. These images were then shared across social media platforms, creating a daily touchpoint with our audience. The campaign kicked off on June 25, 2012, with an image celebrating Pride Month—a rainbow-colored Oreo cookie that quickly went viral.

Bringing the Project to Life

Working on the Oreo Daily Twist required a blend of quick thinking, creativity, and technical skill. Each morning, we met to discuss the day's trending topics and brainstorm ideas for the next twist. Once an idea was chosen, we moved swiftly to design, produce, and publish the image. This real-time approach allowed us to stay relevant and capture the public's interest.

Engaging Our Audience

The Oreo Daily Twist campaign was a huge success, sparking conversations and generating buzz on social media. Fans eagerly anticipated each day's new image, sharing and commenting on their favorites. The campaign culminated on October 2, 2012, with a live event in Times Square, where fans could suggest and vote on the final twist of the series. This level of engagement showcased the power of combining creativity with real-time marketing.

Technological Innovation

From a technological standpoint, the campaign pushed the boundaries of what was possible with social media marketing at the time. We utilized advanced analytics to monitor trending topics and audience reactions, allowing us to tailor our content for maximum impact. The real-time nature of the campaign also required robust project management and rapid production workflows to ensure each twist was ready and relevant.


The Oreo Daily Twist campaign stands as a testament to the power of creativity and technology in modern marketing. Being part of this project at 360i was an incredible experience, showcasing how innovative thinking can transform a simple cookie into a cultural icon. I'm proud of the work we did and the joy we brought to Oreo fans around the world.