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VIA Gigglr Counter

Launched: November 15, 2021

As a creative technologist at The VIA Agency, I’ve always been passionate about blending technology with creativity to bring unique ideas to life. One of my most memorable projects was the creation of the Gigglr Counter, an innovative device designed to measure laughter. This project not only showcased our technological prowess but also added a fun, personal touch to our annual holiday card.

The Concept

The Gigglr Counter was born out of a desire to quantify one of the most joyous human reactions—laughter. Traditional methods of measuring laughter were often subjective, so we aimed to create a device that could provide objective, scientific data. The solution came in the form of an Arduino-powered muscular sensor that measured the movement of the diaphragm, the only scientifically proven method of accurately detecting laughter.

How It Works

To use the Gigglr Counter, participants would wear the device, which was equipped with a muscular sensor placed around the diaphragm. This sensor detected the subtle movements associated with laughter, providing real-time data on the intensity and frequency of each laugh. We invited people from the agency to watch a selection of our favorite funny videos while wearing the device, capturing their natural reactions.

The Experiment

We transformed our office into a laughter lab, gathering colleagues to participate in the experiment. The atmosphere was electric, filled with anticipation and, of course, lots of laughter. Each session provided valuable data, allowing us to identify which videos elicited the most genuine and frequent laughs. The process was as entertaining as it was insightful, turning our experiment into a bonding experience for everyone involved.

Sharing the Results

The culmination of this project was our annual holiday card, which took on a unique and playful twist. We shared the results of our laughter experiment with friends and clients, presenting them with a curated list of the funniest videos based on our data. The Gigglr Counter not only provided a fresh way to spread holiday cheer but also demonstrated our innovative spirit and commitment to bringing joy to those around us.


Inventing the Gigglr Counter was a highlight of my time at The VIA Agency. It combined my love for technology and my belief in the power of laughter, resulting in a project that was both technically challenging and immensely fun. The success of the Gigglr Counter underscored the potential of using technology to enhance human experiences and create memorable, impactful moments. I'm proud of what we achieved and excited to see how this project continues to inspire creativity and joy in future endeavors.