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Launched: May 2, 2016

As a creative technologist passionate about using innovation to improve lives, I had the incredible opportunity to work on the Adaptoys project. These groundbreaking toys are designed to enable parents with disabilities access to toys through adaptive technology, making the joy of play accessible to everyone.

The Concept

Adaptoys emerged from a simple yet powerful idea: to create toys that empower individuals with disabilities to participate in activities that might otherwise be challenging. By integrating adaptive technology, we aimed to develop toys that are not only fun but also inclusive, enabling athletes with various physical limitations to engage in sports and recreational games.

How It Works

Each Adaptoy is equipped with adaptive features tailored to meet the needs of the adult with disabilities. For example, a remote-controlled car might include larger, easy-to-press buttons or voice activation, while a modified baseball bat could have grips and sensors that allow for easier handling and swinging. These adaptations are made possible through the use of Arduino technology, sensors, and intuitive design principles.

Bringing the Project to Life

Working on Adaptoys involved extensive research and collaboration with parents and caretakers who have disabilities. We wanted to ensure that the toys we created were not only functional but also genuinely enjoyable. This meant testing various prototypes, gathering feedback, and continuously refining our designs. The process was both challenging and rewarding, as we witnessed the direct impact of our work on the lives of the parents who tested our products.

The Impact

Adaptoys have opened up new possibilities for parents with disabilities, allowing them to experience the thrill and importance of play in ways that were previously inaccessible. The positive feedback from users has been overwhelming, with many expressing how these toys have brought joy and a sense of inclusion into their lives. By enabling play, Adaptoys also promote physical activity, social interaction, and overall well-being.


The Adaptoys project exemplifies how technology can be harnessed to create inclusive solutions that enhance quality of life. Being part of this initiative has been a highlight of my career, reinforcing my belief in the power of innovation to drive positive change. I am proud of what we achieved with Adaptoys and excited to see how these adaptive toys continue to inspire and empower parents with disabilities around the world.